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Click the drop down menus to read answers to some of our most commonly asked questions.

If you can't find an answer on this page, please feel free to contact us directly or give us a call (905)331-4387.

  • What’s unique about a Waldorf education?
    Waldorf education was “holistic” and “student-centred” long before these terms entered public consciousness. In this system, the child is addressed as a developing individual and encouraged to learn actively through experience, self-directed inquiry, and opportunities to create. When you enter a Waldorf school, the first thing you may notice is the care given to the building. The walls are usually painted in lively colors and are adorned with student artwork. Evidence of student activity is everywhere to be found and every desk holds a uniquely created main lesson book. Another first impression is the enthusiasm and commitment of the teachers you meet. These teachers are interested in the students as individuals. They are interested in questions like: How do we establish within each child his or her own high level of academic excellence? How do we call forth enthusiasm for learning and work, a healthy self-awareness, interest and concern for fellow human beings, and a respect for the world? How can we help pupils find meaning in their lives? Learn more: Association of Waldorf Schools of North America Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN)
  • How much do you charge in tuition?
    Please refer to the Halton Waldorf School Schedule of Tuitions
  • Is there any way to get assistance in paying tuition?
    Yes. Parents who wish to apply for assistance in paying tuition fees are asked to complete a form documenting their income and expenses. Eligibility and any assistance that may be offered is determined by the Tuition Assistance Committee, comprised of a Board member, a Staff member and parent volunteer. This is a needs-based award. Tuition adjustment recipients are required to contribute to the school by committing to a task that offsets school expenses or brings in revenue to the school.
  • Why do Waldorf schools recommend limiting the use of television and electronic devices for young children?
    A central aim of Waldorf Education is to stimulate the healthy development of the child’s own imagination. Waldorf teachers are concerned that electronic media hampers this development. They are concerned about the physical effects of the medium on the child as well as the content of much of today’s programming. HWS became a WIFI-free environment in 2012. Learn more: There is more and more research to substantiate these concerns.
  • Is it true that you don’t use computers at your school?
    Yes and no. For a number of reasons, Waldorf educators feel the appropriate age for regular computer use in the classroom is in high school. First, teachers consider that it is more important for students to interact directly with one another and with instructors as they explore the world of ideas, participate in the creative process, and develop their knowledge, skills, abilities, and inner qualities. In grade 7 and 8 some at home computer use might be encouraged for specific assignments. In our high school, computers are used daily. Waldorf students typically have a love of learning, an ongoing curiosity, and interest in life. As older students, they quickly master computer technology, and many graduates have successful careers in tech. Learn more: Watch “Silicon Valley School: No Computers in the Classroom” to see why hi-tech parents who work in the computer industry believe in giving their children a low tech elementary education
  • Is it possible for a child who has attended a public school to transfer to a Waldorf school?
    Yes. New children enter into Waldorf schools at every grade level and can be fully integrated into the learning and life of the classroom and school community. HWS conducts interviews and evaluations with you and your child to assess what is needed for a good transition.
  • How do Waldorf graduates fare after graduation?
    Very well! Waldorf students are accepted into and graduate from a diversity of colleges and universities in Canada, the United States, and beyond. Alumni take on a variety of professions and occupations including medicine, law, science, engineering, computer technology, the arts, social science, government, and teaching at all levels. Trends among recently surveyed Waldorf graduates: 89% are highly satisfied in their choice of occupation 96% highly value interpersonal friendships 90% highly value tolerance of other viewpoints 82% care most about ethical principles in their working life 82% value helping others
  • Are Waldorf schools religious?
    Waldorf schools are non-sectarian and non-denominational. They educate all children regardless of their cultural or religious backgrounds. The curriculum and pedagogy seek to bring about recognition and understanding of all the world cultures and religions. Although Waldorf schools espouse no particular religious doctrine they are based on a belief that there is a spiritual dimension to human beings, and indeed to all of life. HWS families come from a spectrum of religious traditions and interests.
  • Is student transportation available?
    Although most of our students arrive by their own transportation, we have two school buses that pick up students in our region. The routes are reviewed each school year.

Learn about our enrollment process

Halton Waldorf School

E.C and Grades 1-8 Campus

2193 Orchard Rd
Burlington, Ontario 
Canada  L7L 7J8


Phone: 905-331-4387

After Care Phone: 905-802-0919

High School Campus 

2254 Orchard Road

Burlington, Ontario 
Canada  L7L 7J8

Phone: 289-288-4570

Founded in 1984, Halton Waldorf School is an independent, accredited Waldorf school serving students in Burlington and the surrounding area. We offer programs from parent and child through grade 12. HWS is a place to grow intellectually, artistically and socially. Our early years programming is accredited by WECAN. Our grades 1 through 8 are accredited by AWSNA. 

Registered Charity Number: 119236586RR0001

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