We're excited to share this spotlight on one of our most recent graduates from the Class of 2023, Isabel Anderson.
It was a busy year for Isabel after graduating from the Halton Waldorf High School in June 2023, as she was a first year full time engineering student at McMaster University, while also skating at a competitive level. She was part of the NEXXICE Elite 12 Synchronized Skating Team, and skated at a competition in Rouen, France on February 3rd and 4th, 2024. Isabel shares below her experiences and growth in this past year!
By Isabel Anderson, HWHS Alumni, Class of 2023
My first year at McMaster was an incredible year; I learned a lot about the math and physics related to engineering as well as about myself and what works for me. I am very grateful that this past year, I was able to reach some of my goals. I was able to go into first year engineering and compete in synchronized skating at an international level in Rouen France with my team. This year certainly had its challenges; there was a learning curve to balance both school and skating as well as the adjustment of what work was needed for university. However, with each test, assignment and competition that passed, I came to have a better understanding of what I needed to do to be successful and truly enjoyed my year.
Coming from HWHS I found I had a good foundation of the maths and sciences I needed; however, on top of this, I had developed other transferable skills and a method of learning that I could apply to university to help me better understand my classes and achieve my goals. For example, I noticed that I was often more likely to ask questions and be directly engaged with the lesson (lecture), and more willing to interact with my professors than other students. As the school taught me, I would always strive to understand the material and apply it to the problems we were solving in creative ways for projects and labs. It has definitely been worth the challenges and I am excited for what this next year may bring.