Part I
By: Ms. Todman - Grade 8 Teacher
When we clear the pebbles from the path for our children, how will they ever cross the boulders that will inevitably appear? Challenge is how we discover who we are; we learn that we are capable of achievements we never dreamed possible. School trips are, at their core, a crucial opportunity for each student to step out into the world with their peers. These rare chances at independence are a gift in a world where we can track everyone's movements and children do not have the opportunity to run freely through their neighbourhoods. To be "off the grid", with friends, where every breath brings a new experience, is nourishing and needed.
At the start of the third week of school, the Grade 8 class set out on their highly anticipated Temagami adventure, where they encountered many boulders - metaphorically and literally. Their extensive preparation, unwavering determination, and resolute spirit resulted in creating unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. Temagami, with its rugged terrain and demanding environment, is not for the faint of heart, yet every student (and teacher) in the class rose to the occasion and overcame the boulders with resilience and courage. We couldn't be prouder of their achievements during this transformative trip to Temagami; everyone came back stronger and with a deeper sense of self.
Part II
By: Adella, Eva, Ishaan, and Meadow - Grade 8 Students
Since Grade 1 we have always known about the Grade 8 trip to Temagami. Through the years we heard many stories about the adventures that occur during this journey. When it was our turn to go there was a myriad of emotions that we experienced: nervousness, excitement, anticipation, etc. The ride to Temagami was long, which only increased the expectation. We got a firsthand view of the lakes we would be traversing, from the dizzying heights of the floatplane.
On trail we experienced a variety of things. We experienced beauty in the world around us, the exquisite night sky, and magical morning mist. We experienced friendship and teamwork during the long, grueling portages, where we helped and guided our canoe-carrying classmates through the thick forests.
When we paddled into basecamp at the end of our journey, we were greeted by enthusiastic cheering and warm welcomes. That evening we had an amazing dinner where we all exchanged stories from our unforgettable journey with great enthusiasm (our class was divided into two groups with separate routes). The next morning, we packed up, had a delicious breakfast, and left the Northwaters basecamp on a motorboat. We arrived at a dock where a bus was waiting to drive us home. After the long exhausting drive, we arrived back at school and received warm welcomes from family and friends.
